Think of me as A-leash in Wonderland.

Cynic Files v1.0

You go through life being a cynic. You believe nothing can shake your faith in the unfaithful. You believe the warning signs do not apply to you, because, hey, you wrote most of them. You know what they are saying, and then some. So you carry on walking, regardless. You know how far to go right?

And then, you find the mirage. I mean THE mirage you believed couldnt exist. You do not believe your eyes. You feel this is what you have been looking for. You walk up to it, then incredulously touch it. Its real. Solid. Should you go inside? Or should you stay in the courtyard and bask in the sunlight and in the glory of the knowledge that the God you never believed in proved you wrong. So you lie in wait, almost expecting the edifice to vapourise.... waiting waiting... until you decide, what the heck, you are taking the chance.

I'm going in!

Then, you look for the door. There are none. Are there windows? There surely must be!! Oh yes, found one... left suspiciously open. Oh well, never mind. Its only open for me right? Only for me! Lets get inside. So you step in. Its for real. Everything you imagined. Here and now. You was right. It was not a dream.

Everything thing I saw in that vision long ago, and had given up hope for. Everything. Shall I stay here?

I think I will.

Tick tock tick tock. Hmmm. Time flies by. I get hungry, sleepy, tired. The joy of discovery wanes into the anxiousness of expectation. The window had opened into a room. It had doors. Real wooden doors. Time to try them. Open one... Oh no, its locked. Another one...thats locked too... the last one, AHA! Bingo...but wait... it leads outside!!

Hmmm. I gather my stuff, my paraglide, my sunglasses, my thoughts. The way out of here is the only way to go. But which way should I take? The window I came through of the door thats been shown to me? The I realise the only way to get back to the world I came from is the window. The door leads to another world.

So through the window I go, back the way I came. It was nice knowing the place exists. I also know once I leave it, I shall never find it again. Tough choice, but its made. A visit once is more than enough. I belong in my cave. This time, I shall not leave. The cynic lives.

Soup, anyone?

*16* replies

I love the view from my balcony : Part II

Well here we go again... my modest attempts with my camera (For those who want to know, its a Sony CyberShot DSC P200 (Wide viewing range) 7.2 Megapixel Camera. By no means a professional camera, but with enough knobs and controls for me to fool around with, I can say it isnt exactly point and shoot either).

Here are some late evening and night shots...delayed exposure and all that jazz which I really do not understand... apparently there is something called a 2/3 rule in photography which someone pointed out to me... even more surprising is the fact that I usually naturally follow it...goddamn!!!

"All thats best of dark and bright"
-Long exposure, so excuse the slight fuzziness of the moon and stars. They move a bit, y'know.

"Peek a Boo"
-Ah, the moon, she teases me with her game...Not taken from my balcony I must confess, rather from below it.

-Taken on the best day of my life... reasons are not very obvious I suppose, but even so, I hope you like the picture anyway. What weather... sigh!... perfect for a stroll...or a drive? My balcony is blessed, or so I would like to believe.At least that day. All hail the skies of Lucknow!

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