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Some news and a dratted tag

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This post's been a long time in coming. There hasn't been much to write about and even less time to write it in. Does that seem a paradox to you? It doesnt to me. First the news, since the last post:

1>I've had my farewell. Wonderful event. Thank you juniors :)
2>I've been to goa and back. With friends. All girls party. Nice place. I could wear whatever I wanted and no one would bat an eyelid. I think I'll go back there soon.
3>I've been invited to stay a couple of years at IIM Lucknow. I might actually go!
4>Ive been tagged by an inscrutable rat in shining armour. Now, I'm the wrong person to tag.Because I'm usually a spoilsport in put-in-the-spot situations. No more tags for me. Ill humour this one, but no more. Nix. Nyet. Non. No way. Boo.

Now let's see if I can do justice to this one. I'm giving creativity a rest and structure it like the rat himself:

Seven things I'd like to do before dying:

1) Trek up Everest.
2) Go scuba diving around the Great Barrier Reef
3) Take a lunar holiday (assuming this becomes affordable).
4) Finish reading Foucault's Pendulum (sigh).
5) Eradicate the number "six".
7) Achieve world peace :P

Things that I can do:

1) Ride a bicycle without touching the handle. As in, properly. Even on bumpy roads and around turns.
2) Eat any amount of desserts. Especially chocolately ones. Without puking at the end.
3) Walk for any amount of time. At any speed. I love walking.
4) Bathe a baby. Yes, I can. Its fun if you have patience.
5) Navigate anywhere with a map. Im good with maps. So much for the girls suck at map reading.
6) Identify stars and constellations in the night sky.
7) Listen to deep purple/queen all day.

Things that I can't do:

1) Eat spicy food.
2) Drink anything hot. I wait for ten minutes before sipping my tea.
3) Sit in a fast moving vehicle, epecially a motorbike.
4) Study continuously. I read for 5 mins, do other stuff for 5 minutes. I have terrible concentration. But I do manage to study 30 mins out of one hour this way :P
5) Do the rakhi-tying thing to anyone except my real brother/cousins. I have never understood how other girls manage to do that. Maybe I lack some brain wiring.
6) Care about what other people think.
7) Resist a good one-liner when it pops into my brain.

Things I say:

1) Jeeeezus
2) Jeeezus Christ!
3) GTH
5) Aur sunao
6) Hain??!!
7) Yeah right!

Things I'd like to see in boys:

1) NO hair colour. Yuck! As a matter of fact, even in girls.
2) NO french Beards.
3) NO chauvinism.
4) NO mob mentality.
5) Teetotalism (is that how u say it?)
6) Respect for girls' achievements. Specifically , lack of statements like "It's easier for you because u are a girl".
7) A vision for their own future(now, some guys do have this, dont gimme hate mail for this).

Celebrity Crushes:

1) Captain James T Kirk (spare me, I was ten years old)
2) Michael Schumacher (this was before he joined ferrari)
3) There really arent any more, I'm sorry, I said I was a spoilsport already.


1) None. I am stopping this disease right here.

Declaration: Tag me at the risk of being ignored. God bless u Sarat for bringing out the worst in me :P

19 Responses to “Some news and a dratted tag”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Huh! So you just dusted it off ur shoulder :P
    You cant study continuosly??? :O I remember u sittin all day in the library readin n rdng n rdng more....

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    well kinda :P

    did u ever care to see what i was reading... one text book and at least three magazines all at the same time ... :P

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    btw, a blog on a all-girl trip 2 Goa wud b interestin too!
    Can I expect it? :)

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    perhaps it can be arranged at for a suitable (read hefty) sum ;P

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    How abt a hot cuppa? You can coolly write the blog n then sip it :P
    As u confessd, u cant handle hot stuff! ;)

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    if only it were that easy...sigh!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    dat was really funny :D.. really good!! u shud b made to write more tags.
    whts wid da number '6'?? kya bigada hai tera?
    M Schumacher!! good goin...

    "I might actually go!"?? when r u makin da final call (pun intended :P)?? koi mahurat nikala hai kya iske liye?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I wish you luck. I'm too much of a coward to climb Everest.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous 

    "It's easier for you because u are a girl".

    lol.. try accpeting the fact :P

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    sigh... as much as i did'nt want to start this discussion? I'd like to know what is easier? Do our votes count more? Are we offered excess salaries? Do we enjoy any greater freedom in any sense? Are our working hours lesser than guys? Can we outsource housework? Do we get admissions and jobs inspite of incompetence?

    If ur answers are "yes" to any of these, then there faulty reasoning involved. If u see a girl doing better than you, its not because she's a girl. Its usually inspite of being a girl.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You may not have used the 'being a girl' tag to reach where you have reached, but it is a fact that somewhr or the other, someone or the other uses it to get an edge. I do agree women have a lot of potential in them and all, but then it is also a fact that atleast half of women use the point of 'being a woman' in their favor consciously or otherwise. The main point to be noted is that I am NOT being a chauvinist here, just a realist!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Exactly... as long as you do not stereotype its great. There are somethings we get away with, and somethings we would like to do which are just not acceptable because we are girls... there is no quantitave measure to decide what is fair or unfair in this distribution... so lets give that a rest :P

    this discussion never leads anywhere!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous 

    This is cheating!!!

    You can't get away with 6 things in a 7-tag! do that in another 6 tag if you wish :P Now you'll just have to edit and add another thingy in there! ;)

    and besides, while you're at it, might as well finish the blog on goa trip :D

  14. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Nice blog that one.. and u hav a wide range of interests...gud :)

  15. Anonymous Anonymous 

    He he, thtz great! No metric to this distribution... :P
    Doing a lot of BTP, eh?!
    n yeah, now I have supporters, so go to the create post link and start punchin in abt ur Goa trip!

  16. Anonymous Anonymous 

    nice things of things you wanna do before dying - didnt know you had such an adventurous attitude - how abt adding base jumping to that list at #6 ?
    and btw, did u start hating msc - he aint that bad in ferrari as well
    i still doubt your "things i cant do list" - dont ask me why ...
    and am not discussing the point arpit raised in here..

    .:: just a realist - naresh has stolen my word - its for people to judge - whoz a realist.. grrrrr... ::.

    and am not anonymous - rem who talked of the yearbook NOT happening.. yeah am that realist if you hadnt figured that out.. :P

  17. Anonymous Anonymous 

    well that tag was very gracefully handeld any tips .. Im being forced to write one ..
    and bhavesh very "subtely" sugested it as well :S tips tips I need tips ...
    Btw .. 6 and captain kirk and deep purple and constellations :O wow variety :O
    any way tips soon plz

  18. Anonymous Anonymous 

    After years of toil I have finally stumbled on a blog,one which is owned by a modernite.
    So,modernites do blog.
    Today,my joys know no bounds.I am happy.:)

  19. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Almost every blog i visited today had a tag answered.........
    How many tags are currently floating in this miniature world?

    Btw....nice blog and best of luck for your IIML stay :)

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