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The long flight back home

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I just love taking the morning flight(6am) from Delhi (home) to Ahmedabad(college). Wonderful, uplifting experience(pun unintended). The airline being as busy as Jet is, has 6 or 7 flights around that time. So I have to get up at 3 am, leave home by 4 am, reach airport at 4.45am, to be able to make it to the check in counters by the time they start announcing "This is the last and final call for passengers travelling by....". Bah. Six counters open and still the queues exist to define phlegmatic.

I could mistake the area for a religious monument. The long queues, entry tickets, the security, my unease. Yes, I could make that mistake.

Lots of fun it is, standing outside the terminal 1B (domestic departure) at IGI airport, peering into the morning twilight for the courstesy coaches to arrive... They do arrive of course, just that the first ten are not for my flight. Dashing hopes to the ground, i call it.

The coach arrives. Whoo Hoo! As its ferrying me past the "oodles" of aircraft, something funny strikes me. Im passing by the Indian (formerly, Indian Airlines) row of aircraft...and they've got this big, cheerful message plastered across the body of the plane. Now, I'm no CR expert, but I do not think pasting "50 years of flying" in huge orange letters across the side of an anyway tattered looking plane is such a good idea. But then, who knows. Psychology is not my major.

I reach Ahmedabad right on time. Reach my room somehow and fall asleep.

3 Responses to “The long flight back home”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    quite nicely written..
    btw, next time ur on that flight - keep your cam in ur hand bag - i guess you know that photography from an airplane is now allowed n haan, if you've already clicked the sunrise from the clouds, please pass me on the photots :)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    50 years of flying
    Haha! Doesn't exactly inspire a lot of confidence, does it? :)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    :) nice

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